PRESS RELEASE – Kim Gubler appointed to industry pensions dashboard steering group

25 September 2019

The Pensions Administration Standards Association (PASA), the independent body dedicated
to driving up standards in pensions administration, today announced its Chair, Kim Gubler,
has been appointed to the steering group that will support the work of the Pensions
Dashboard Industry Delivery Group.

The Pensions Dashboard Industry Delivery Group has been established by the Money and
Pensions Service to develop the required data standards, technology and governance to
enable pensions data to be made available via multiple dashboards delivered by the industry,
as well as one delivered by MAPS.

Kim Gubler, Chair, PASA commented: “PASA has been passionate about the successful
delivery of pensions dashboards since inception. Developing practical resources to help
people plan and guide them throughout their relationship with their pension schemes is an
important focus for us. The industry has been presented with the opportunity to transform the
way members interact with their pension, empowering them to make truly integrated
decisions about their retirement for the very first time. Pooling knowledge and best practice
from across the industry is essential if we are to implement Dashboards that not only work,
but are as effective and user friendly as possible. This project is a significant step forwards in
helping everyday people connect with their pensions in a way they never have before – I look
forward to feeding in PASA’s expertise and gaining a deeper understanding of the other
perspectives around the table.”

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